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      On May 10 and 11, 2019, National Business Initiative (NBI) in partnership with USAID’s Hamro Samman project organized two day residential workshop titled “Towards Responsible Recruitment: Solutions to De-risk Foreign Employment Process” in Hotel Country Villa, Nagarkot. This event had the representation from key government leaders, private sector, civil society as well as national and international development partners. 55 participants participated in the program as per following details:

      OrganizationNo of participants
      Hamro Samman, USAID145
      Experts and Civil Society303


      The event highlighted the challenges of foreign employment business in Nepal and planned proposed solutions that can be taken in overcoming these challenges. The participants were divided into four groups where representatives from the private sector, the National Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (NAFEA), government sector, Winrock International and Civil societies were made to work together to find common ground on the challenges and the solutions. Following two days of extensive works, the participants concluded by agreeing to form “National Labor Migration Governance Platform” a tripartite forum between private sector, government and foreign migrant workers to identify and solve policy problems associated with foreign employment business. Further, NAFEA would take lead to initiate several responsible business practices relevant to foreign employment business such as update of business Code of Conduct, training to member companies on responsible recruitment, etc.

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