+977-1-5901846 / +977-9841476826 info@nbinepal.org.np

      4th Responsible Business Summit

      Adapting to Emerging Business Realities

      NBI Business Resilience Award

      Promoting and building resiliency of Nepalese businesses.

      NBI Business Resilience Award 2024

      Dear participants and well-wishers, thank you for making the NBI Business Resilience Award 2024 a success. You can access the event glimpses through the link below:

      Our Story

      “There can be no successful business without successful society and there can be no successful society without successful business.”

      Decade long armed conflict in Nepal from mid 1990’s to mid 2000’s was a painful event for all Nepalese. Private Sector of Nepal responded creatively towards the conflict situation. On July 21, 2003 a national conference entitled “The Role of Private Sector in Peace Building, Reconciliation and Development” was jointly organized by three prominent business organizations, namely, Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), Nepal Chamber of Commerce (NCC) and Hotel Association of Nepal (HAN) in Kathmandu.

      The conference was participated by about 150 businessmen with the purpose to share South African experience on the role played by the private sector business community in resolving national conflict situation and to relate South African experience into Nepal’s case. The conference passed 8 point resolution and mandated to establish an alliance between business organizations and private sector solely devoted to peace building, reconstruction, reconciliation and development.

      Accordingly, National Business Initiative (NBI) was established by fourteen major Nepalese Business Associations, and individual companies as an apolitical and non-profit-making organization in 2005. It is registered under Institution Registration Act in District Administrative Office of Kathmandu and affiliated to Social Welfare Council of Nepal. NBI is recognized as income-tax exempt organization by Inland Revenue Department of Nepal.

      NBI seeks to strengthen the role and capacity of the Nepalese Private Sector to contribute in sustainable peace in Nepal. We do so by mobilizing the existing private sector bodies at local and higher levels, generating new knowledge relating to private sector on softer issues around peace, conflict & development and creating demand as well as support for positive change in the society.

      Thematic Areas

      Peace, Security and Rule of Law

      NBI collaborates with the stakeholders to promote peace, security and rule of law for all.

      Responsible and Sustainable Business

      NBI advocates for the responsible and sustainable business practice in Nepal in public and private organizations.

      Innovation and Entrepreneurship

      NBI has a faith that the country can progress with innovation and entrepreneurship.

      Our Member Associations

      Latest News and Updates

      Call for Consultancy Service (to develop BCM training manual)

      This is a call for consultancy service to develop a Business Continuity Management (BCM) training manual. Please download the Terms of Reference (ToR) HERE. Introduction: National Business Initiative (NBI), in partnership with USAID’s Tayar Nepal, is implementing...

      Call for Consultancy Service

      This is a call for consultancy service to conduct a study on the status of preparedness and business continuity planning among Nepali businesses. Please download the Terms of Reference (ToR) HERE. Introduction: National Business Initiative (NBI), in partnership with...

      मानव बेचबिखन विरुद्ध निजी क्षेत्रको अभियान विषयक सरोकारवाला समन्वय बैठक मकवानपुरमा सम्पन्न

      राष्ट्रिय व्यवसायिक पहलले मकवानपुर उद्योग वाणिज्य संघको सहकार्यमा विनरक ईन्टरनेशनले कार्यान्वयन गर्दै आएको हाम्रो सम्मान परियोजना अन्तर्गत मकवानपुर जिल्लाको हेटौडामा असार २१ गते सरकोरवालाहरुबिचको सहकार्यका लागि समन्वय बैठक आयोजना गर्‌यो। निजी स्तरका सेवा प्रदायक संघ...

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      (आर्थिक अभियान राष्ट्रिय दैनिकमा २०७९ फागुन ३० गते प्रकाशित) नेपालमा स्वच्छ, मर्यादित र पारदर्शी व्यावसायिक गतिविधि हुनुपर्ने आवाज सधैं उठ्दै आएको विषय हो । असल व्यावसायिक अभ्यासबारे जति नै चर्चा र बहस भए पनि व्यवहारमा निकै कम कार्यान्वयन भएको पाइन्छ । तर यसमा पहल,...

      Terms of Reference for Consultancy Service Responsible Business Alliance for Countering Trafficking in Persons in Nepal

      1. Background About Human Trafficking The United Nations defines human trafficking as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by improper means (such as force, abduction, fraud, or coercion) for an improper purpose including forced...

      राष्ट्रिय व्यवसायिक पहलको पन्ध्रौं वार्षिक साधारण सभा सम्बन्धी जानकारी

      राष्ट्रिय व्यवसायिक पहलको मङ्सिर ६ गते बसेको कार्यसमितिको बैठकले राष्ट्रिय व्यवसायिक पहलको पन्ध्रौं वार्षिक साधारण सभा बागमति प्रदेशको राजधानी हेटौंडामा २०७८ साल पौष २ गते शुक्रबारका दिन सम्पन्न गर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । सोही अनुसार सम्पूर्ण सदस्यहरुलाई यसै सूचना मार्फत...

      National Business Initiative (NBI) calls for a consultant for Responsible Business Alliance Nepal.

      NBI is a non-profit making organization established by major business associations and private companies of Nepal in 2005 with a vision to establish sustainable peace in Nepal through responsible socio-economic growth. The mission of NBI is to promote responsible...

      National Business Initiative (NBI) calls for Consultants to develop:

      Rupandehi Development Outlook 2030 Municipal Business Promotion Strategy Youth Employment Promotion Strategy Scope of Work: Consultancy 1: The consultant will develop a Rupandehi Development Outlook that captures major socio-economic indicators and highlights of...

      Call for Consultant to develop “Promotional Materials on Violence and Harassment at Work”

        Output Promotional Materials on Violence and Harassment Convention (No.190) Activity Development and dissemination of promotional materials on key provisions of C190 (booklets, posters, stickers) Objective ·         To develop effective promotional materials to...

      Call for Consultant to develop “Code of Conduct on Violence and Harassment at Work” for Employers Organizations

      Output Code of Conduct on Violence and Harassment at Work for employer organizations Activity Develop and disseminate a Code of Conduct for employer organizations following extensive consultative process Objective To lead the discourse on Violence and Harassment at...
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