About Responsible Business Alliance Nepal (RBAN)
Responsible Business Alliance Nepal (RBAN) is a structured network of progressive businesses that came together to promote and build joint initiatives that advance social objectives as well as business development goals. The purpose of the Alliance is to improve knowledge and awareness about modern slavery in workplace and promote responsible business practices. Currently, there are 28 active alliance members in the network from various sectors (hospitality, academic, legal, manufacturing, trading, health, recruitment, media, construction etc.) of Nepalese industry.
Download: Alliance Concept Note and ToR
Terms of Reference
The Responsible Business Alliance Nepal serves as an important platform to test and share ideas and knowledge, make linkages and harness relationships, leverage branding and promotions, and troubleshoot challenges in the achievement of goals aimed at countering human trafficking and labor exploitation and empowering Nepali workers.
Working Modality
The Alliance works on AAA framework as the model for engagement of private sector ending modern slavery in workplace. AAA stands for Acknowledge, Act and Advance. It is a global framework developed by Business and Government Forum of the Bali Process to which Nepal is also a state party.
AAA Framework
Acknowledge the scale of the problem of modern slavery,
Act to strengthen and implement ethical and responsible business through policy and legal framework, and
Advance efforts within and across the network to act on it.
The Bali Process sets out a work plan for both business and government to contribute to the eradication of all forms of human trafficking, and a guide for implementation of AAA by businesses.
Alliance Mandate
- Public demonstration of business solidarity for CTIP including appearance, dialogue, and commitments during public launch of the Alliance, NBI’s Responsible Business Summit, and other such follow-up public and private engagements.
- Active participation and contributions to discussions and activities related to empowering trafficking survivors and vulnerable people with resources such as skills, jobs, information, and networks, to protect workers and prevent trafficking, among other goals.
- Promotion of communication and collaborative action within the Alliance and other stakeholders in the business space in general in order to catalyze further private sector engagement, innovations, and strategic partnerships aimed at empowering trafficking survivors and vulnerable people.
Alliance Mission Statement
Strategically and collectively championing socio-economic goals that support and empower the most vulnerable Nepalis, while also raising visibility of issues such as modern slavery and sensitizing other businesses to take action.
Members’ Pledge
As a member of Responsible Business Alliance Nepal (RBAN), we declare our commitment to end modern slavery in our workplace and across our network.
We advocate a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in all its forms throughout the business community and beyond through partnership and cooperation.
We pledge to ACKNOWLEDE the scale of the problem of modern slavery; ACT to strengthen and implement ethical and responsible business practices through our company policy and legal framework; and, ADVANCE efforts within and across our network to act on it.